Tradesmen and Business Owners:


Learn How to 3x Your Income, Work 20 Hours Less Per Week, and Transition from Tradesman to Business Owner

“I’ve built a seven-figure trades business, and now I’m giving you the tools to do the same.”

Dario Quacquarelli

Founder of Trades Freedom Toolkit & Cosmic Campervans

What If You Could:

  • Finally detach your income from the hours you spend on the tools?

  • Build a business that runs smoothly without you?

  • Create a lifestyle where you choose when and how much you work?


What's Inside When You Join

Step by step structure helping you actually get results.

Swiper with Dynamic Text and Navigation Buttons
Learn how to turn potential customers into paying clients.


Amazing Bonuses When You Join Today

Experience the benefits of exclusive content crafted for your success.

Mindset: From Tradesman to Business Owner

Learn how to think like a business owner, empowering you to lead, grow, and succeed in your trade.

Live Calls:

Recorded Sessions

Access valuable insights and strategies shared during our live sessions, anytime you need them.


Downloads & Tools

Access all the tools, templates, and resources referenced throughout the course.


See the Toolkit in Action

Unlock the secrets to working smarter, not harder.


Three Choices.

Which Will You Make?

When it comes to taking control of your trades business, you have three choices:


Do nothing.

Continue as you are, hoping that something will magically change, even as you remain stuck in the daily grind.


Try to figure it out on your own.
Try to figure it out on your own. It’s a tough path, full of trial and error, and it might take years before you see any significant change.


Book a Free Strategy Call.

Discover the proven steps that successful tradesmen are using to triple their income, reduce their working hours, and build a business that gives them true freedom.

The choice is yours.

But if you choose the third option, you’ll immediately start seeing the difference. You won’t have to struggle alone, wondering how to get out of the rut you’re in.

With the Trades Freedom Toolkit, running your business will go from something that exhausts you to something you enjoy.

You’ll speak confidently about your goals, knowing you have a clear plan to achieve them.

And instead of feeling overwhelmed by your workload, you’ll experience a sense of relief as you step into the role of a true business owner.

This is your opportunity to turn things around.

Book your free strategy call today and take the first step toward a business and lifestyle you truly deserve.

You’ve got nothing to lose—only freedom and success to gain.

Will you take that step?


Have Questions?

We Have Answers

How do I join the Trades Freedom Toolkit?

Simply book a call with Dario or a member of our team to discuss your goals and see if the program is the right fit for you.

Who is the Trades Freedom Toolkit for?

It's designed for tradesmen looking to grow their business, automate operations, and achieve financial freedom.

What can I expect from the course?

You’ll gain 30+ hours of on-demand training, weekly expert calls, and access to a supportive community.

How quickly can I see results?

Results vary, but with consistent effort, many members see significant improvements within 90 days.

Do I need any prior business experience?

No prior experience is required. The course is designed to guide you step-by-step, from tradesman to business owner.

What if I can’t attend the live calls?

All live calls are recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience.

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